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Study conditions in Canada with a low diploma average

Many people think educational migration will be out of reach and impossible with a low-grade point average, But this thinking is wrong. Those with a low GPA can obtain a Canadian study visa by providing financial means or presenting international acceptance certificates. In this article, we will examine how to study in Canada with a low diploma average.

Study conditions in Canada

Canada is one of the best places to live, and its universities have a perfect global ranking. It is interesting to know that Canadian universities have 11 representatives among the top 250 universities in the world, and four cities in this country (Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver and Ottawa) are ranked among the best student cities in the world. This means that Canada is one of the ideal countries in the world for students. As a result, there is heavy competition among applicants for educational immigration to get admission to Canada. Success in this competition requires better conditions regarding grade point average, financial ability, work records, etc. Among these, the grade point average is critical, Especially if you intend to enter Canadian public universities. But the question is, is it impossible to study in Canada with a low GPA? In the following, we explain how to minimise the effect of GPA on the chance of getting admission and study visas from Canada.

Ways to study in Canada with a low GPA

As mentioned earlier, with a low GPA, the doors of studying in Canada will be open to you, and you still have a chance. To check in Canada with a diploma and a low GPA, you must provide documents and records covering your low GPA. In the following, we examine ways to study in Canada with a low GPA:

  • Submission of GRE or GMAT: These two documents significantly impact your chances of getting admission into Canada because your ability to solve problems and analyze is measured in these two tests. By getting a high score on these two tests, you can prove to the desired university and the Canadian government that your abilities are beyond your diploma average. These tests act like a second chance. For example, you may have paid little attention to your GPA in high school, and now you have no way to go back and change it. In such a situation, by focusing on GRE or GMAT test resources, you can reduce the effect of your GPA on your chances of admission.
  •  Providing valid certificates: participating in proper and international courses related to your field of study means you are trained in the desired area. Providing documents such as professional technical documents will increase your chances of getting accepted to study in Canada with a low GPA.
  •  Submitting a resume: This is more applicable to conservatory graduates. For example, you may have graduated from the college’s civil engineering department with a low GPA. Still, after finishing your studies, you work officially on several large construction projects. The presence of a work resume will weaken the effect of your GPA, and you can have a good chance of getting accepted to study in Canada with a low GPA.
  •  Participation in pre-study courses: some Canadian universities have a series of programs called Pathway Programs, in which the applicant enters a one-year preparatory period before entering the university, and if he can get good results from this course, he is allowed to enter the university. I will have an opinion. This program can be considered a conditional academic admission.


Studying in Canada with a low GPA is by no means impossible. When you don’t have a good grade point average, you need to find other factors affecting your chances of being admitted to Canada, such as a work resume, an international certificate, and obtaining a high GRE or GMAT score. When you present one of these items, the effect of GPA becomes less, and you can experience studying in Canada with a low GPA. Another way to do this is to participate in preparatory courses before entering the university.

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